Single Address
Enter location's data you would like to map, such as address, city, postal code, state and/or select the country.
A pin will be dropped in the map and latittude and longitude will be returned for the location entered.
Multiple Addresses
Multiple locations can be loaded, click on Choose file and select the file with the locations, file requirements:
- Must be a csv (comma delimited).
- Must contain the following six columns with no headers:
- Name
- Address
- City
- State/Province
- Postal Code
- Country
- Must remove any extra line at the bottom of the file
Once the file is loaded, a table will be created, click on each for mapping a specific location or click on 'Map All' button for all locations.
Each loaded cell can be manually updated in the table by clicking on the it and re-mapped by clicking the again, a new latitude and longitude will be returned.
Data can be exported as a csv file by clicking the 'Export data' button.
Single Lat/Long
Enter Latitude and Longitude in decimals and click on 'Get Address", the best address for that location will be returned and a pin will be placed in the map. Pin can be dragged and placed in a new location, click on 'Get Address' again and the new address will be returned.
Multiple Lat/Long
Multiple Lat/longs can be loaded, click on Choose file and select the file with the locations, file requirements:
- Must be a csv (comma delimited).
- Must contain the following three columns with no headers:
- Name
- Latitude (decimal format)
- Longitude (decimal format)
- Must remove any extra line at the bottom of the file
Once the file is loaded, a table will be created, click on each for mapping a specific location or click on 'Map All' button for all locations.
Each loaded cell can be manually updated in the table by clicking on it and re-mapped by clicking the again, a new latitude and longitude will be returned.
Data can be exported as a csv file by clicking the 'Export data' button.
Click on at any time to remove all pins from the map and clear Single Address and Single Lat/Long forms.
Click on for providing feedback, comments, suggestions or reporting any issue.